People, 'THINGS' ARE NOT MORE IMPORTANT THAN PEOPLE!! This should have never happened and shines a very bright light on our need for the biggest, brightest, best new toy or gadget in the store. We gotta get it before the neighbors do. Little Jr. needs that video game machine so that he can play it instead of studying. Gotta get that HDTV before the football game. Gotta get that deep discount the 'Empire' advertised even though we know there are only 5 of that item in the whole damn store.
We no longer have anything to live for, to look forward to, if the goal is to be standing in a line in the middle of the night at the doors of the 'Empire' waiting for them to let us in so we can spend our hard earned money on some little piece of trash made by a 10 year old kid in China. Now I must admit that I too have stood in a line at a few stores over the years to get in on a good shopping deal even though I knew it was silly. But I tell myself, the discount was worth it. But a discount is definitely not worth risking my life, the life of my kids (I always brought my oldest to help and saw many other kids there too) and the life of an employee of any store. The one rule I always had was to never go to the 'Empire' because the quality of their stuff is shitty at best. I assumed it would be mayhem at that place. As a general rule, I don't shop there because they don't even have the decency to tidy the store and mop the floors every day. This year I decided that no discount was worth losing sleep over and looking foolish standing out there in the cold (well lesser warmth as I am in San Antonio!). Besides, I can do just as well shopping online. I did go out later in the morning and got a really great deal on a mixer, leather jacket, etc. I went to more respectable stores (yes, I know, still made in China). Even then someone was complaining that the electronics store only had 7 of a certain HDTV he wanted. The difference between crowds at the 'Empire' and crowds at other stores is stark--we respect other human beings. Some stores gave out lottery tickets so that there was no need to panic and they controlled the flow of people as they opened the door. They had security at the door. They had police in the parking lot. They took care of their shoppers and their employees. I read that the employees made a human fence by linking arms to control the flow of shoppers. I hope this has taught them (those employees) that no job is worth putting yourself in front of an angry mob and risking your life.
...And this happens after we got an image of a black thug who violently killed the pretty blond news anchor in Arkansas...
This happens after we just elected a highly educated and qualified mixed-race African American to be our president. Some of us may have thought that maybe this election was a sign that we are getting 'there' and we are beginning to 'achieve', take our rightful place in history, putting a positive face out there for all the world to see. Enter the Negroes of the 'Empire' to dash our hopes all to hell! Their stampeding faces plastered all over the Internet, on every newspaper...
To those who willingly stomped on someone's body: HOPE LITTLE JR. LIKED THE NEW TOY--A MAN GAVE HIS LIFE SO YOU COULD BUY IT!