I read a post on CNN that criticized Obama supporters for saying negative things about McCouldn't when 'we should all be uniting'. The following was my response:
As I read about the republican effort to insinuate that Obama was like Fidel Castro and referred to in the same sentence as several Latin and South American dictators, I was proud of the fact that Obama did not reciprocate. As I read all the silly stories about how he was not a citizen because he was born in Kenya (which would not matter as his mother was a citizen), I was amazed that he let that slide without much mention. As I read that he was in prison and a murderer, I thought it wonderful that Obama paid not attention. As I listened to the other candidates call him a terrorist, I was amused at the level at which they would sink to win...Barack simply, calmly set the record straight. As I listened to my mother telling about the robocalls she received in her own home saying ridiculously outrageous things about this upstanding citizen, I was angry, but Obama was not. As I listened to so many people, even his own colleagues, discount his power, authority, and credibility, I kept on hoping and he kept on trying to be heard. As I watched history in the making unfold, I was proud. Proud.
As I listened to Obama's speech Tuesday night, I got excited, I was invigorated, I felt as if finally so many young people who had no hope may be able to find a way to hope now. As I realized the reality of Obama's win hit my consciousness, I was disappointed in myself for not completely believing that it could happen. But how ironic that in this seemingly anti-Muslim time, an Anglo-African-American man would be elected president using his Muslim-sounding name, recollecting his life with his white grandparents, mother and African father.
I will be one of those people knocking on your doors in 3 years working hard to re-elect Mr. Obama because he has instilled a sense of confidence in me because of his reactions to all the negativism that was thrown at him. Through it all, never did he stoop as low. Through it all he kept his cool. Through it all he convinced so many of us that we had chosen the right man to lead our country. Through it all, he acted like a future president should. In light of all the negative information coming out now on the other side, I say thank God Mr. Obama won!!
We are all entitled to our opinions and I respect most of them. Why do we keep bringing out the negative even after the campaign is over? Because we were screaming on the inside. We (many of us) kept it in. We knew it would only hurt our candidate as it did yours so we helped Barack by standing unified and strong. As Oprah put it...now we are all UNLEASHED!!!
Many of us instead used our computers to dispel the myths and inform those we could reach about the misleading falsehoods out there. We tried to set the record straight. Never did anyone try to destroy, defame and possibly insight others to physically harm the other candidate. Never would Obama have tolerated people yelling 'kill him' in his audience. Now the election has been decided. For those of you who chose to be so negative, shame on you. But the American people are smarter now. Do they really want to keep being so polarizing? Do they really think it's enough when so many people are hurting in their bank accounts? I think not. Substance is now a requirement. Finally America may be waking up!!
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