Where would millions of people go when told to leave because you are being invaded? Why is the world standing by watching the genocide of a people? The Palestinians only have an area that is approximately 15 x 3 miles long. To where are they fleeing? Why should they have to leave their homes? Why is it all right for Europeans to, once again, decide it's OK to displace indigenous peoples so more Europeans can settle somewhere? This land was given to the European Jews after World War II as a kind of consolation prize. Why didn't Europeans want Jews to remain in their borders? It smacks of the injustices against Native Americans in the United States when Europeans decided they had 'discovered' a new world. Why does the world not notice that this is a terrible injustice and that is why Hamas continues to fight and be defiant? Why has Barack Obama not stood up and defended the Palestinians who are losing their homes, their lives, their generations to come, their future? We support the Jews? Why? What has Israel done for the United States? Why do they continue to receive monetary support from the taxpayers? Why was it ok for Israel to have nuclear weapons but not ok for other Middle Eastern nations?
Removing all irrelevant religious banter, the reason is OIL! Oil's importance was determined over 60 years ago and Israel's existence lauds over the nations rich with oil. But how long will we sit idly by while people are killed and displaced so that we can maintain our oil watch dogs in the Middle East? It's not ok with me...it shouldn't be ok with any morally grounded person.
Links of interest:
Israel's land grab
A few more truths
What Really Happened
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