Sunday, January 18, 2009

We are Experiencing the Dream!

I'm so excited I can't decide what I should do with myself!! I took the day off so I could experience everything as our new president is inaugurated. I plan to go out to breakfast. I encouraged others to take a day off in celebration, in reflection...just to bask in the joy and take it all in. But do I celebrate with friends? Do I go to a big bash downtown dressed up in my best gown? Do I just stay home and enjoy it comfortably with my husband?

This much I do as we know it as Black people in America means much more to us all now. If only we can keep the momentum going and change other things for the better. This truly is one of the first times I will feel truly proud of my fellow Americans--I knew what Michelle meant. Somehow so many people made this happen and I am grateful.

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